When visiting a therapist for symptoms, such as pain, it is important to understand that symptoms do not fall from the sky.
Symptoms are like drops in a jar. Hundreds of drops fill the glass but the thousandth makes it overflowing. Problems can build up over a period of time until they suddenly become noticeable as symptoms.
SYMPTOMS may just be the tip of the iceberg with a much bigger problem below the surface. After all, a symptom is just a symptom and is not the CAUSE.
In case of pain, go to a specialist as soon as possible
Symptoms are similar to the fire alarm that warns you about a problem. The fire alarm is not the problem, but the fire. Therefore, do not turn off the signal and ignore the problem, but find the cause and extinguish the fire.
For this it is important to understand that symptoms can be caused in parts of the body that are not directly related to the “problem zone”.
Perceived stressors that are sustained over a long period of time often lead to an imbalance in your body and can thus prevent you from maximizing your maximum health and potential.
Only a healthy body is also a functioning body
Do not forget that her body is a huge interconnected system. No part works in isolation.
Therefore, the goal of chiropractic is to restore and maximize communication throughout the body.
Which leads to improved function and quality of life.
Do not you just want to eliminate symptoms but also explore and resolve the cause of your “problem”?